New Year, New You

  1. 4. Checking off each goal helps you track these.
  2. 7. Try new things, new foods, new experiences! Be brave!
  3. 9. Being open to getting better, stronger, smarter.
  4. 11. Just try to be nice to everyone!
  5. 13. Drink more water!
  6. 15. It's a great time to give away things you don't need.
  7. 16. Seeking this in our lives is mentally healthy.
  8. 19. Making these stronger is good for our social connection!
  9. 20. Travel to new places AND your favorite happy place.
  10. 21. If you do this, you can achieve your resolutions!
  11. 23. Put down your phone and be with your family!
  12. 24. Putting you and your needs first.
  13. 25. What people make and then break at New Year's.
  14. 26. The song people sing on New Year's.
  15. 27. Learning something new is very good for brain health.
  16. 28. A common resolution that makes people join gyms.
  1. 1. Helping others without getting paid for it.
  2. 2. People practice this to be more aware of their choices.
  3. 3. Looking on the bright side.
  4. 5. What we try to be by changing our diets.
  5. 6. My favorite resolution for you! (Books books books!)
  6. 8. There's no need to carry old arguments into the new year!
  7. 10. The time we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
  8. 12. A place for everything and everything in its place.
  9. 13. Anytime you do something for others, you are being ________.
  10. 14. Something to have with yourself and your siblings!
  11. 16. An earlier one will help you meet your sleep goal.
  12. 17. This resolution can help you communicate with more people! (2 words)
  13. 18. Adults are more likely to make this resolution than young people
  14. 22. Making this a daily practice can reduce stress.