New Years’ Crossword

  1. 4. Which country recently removed the queen as their head of state?
  2. 5. What is the best-selling musical single? (hint: it’s a Christmas song)
  3. 7. In which country has bitcoin been adopted as legal tender?
  4. 8. On August 15th India will celebrate its Independence Day. How many years has it been independent from Britain?
  5. 10. What colour is Missy’s car?
  6. 11. In which month will the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics start this year?
  1. 1. What day of the week was Christmas this year?
  2. 2. Which European country has started fining people for not having their vaccine?
  3. 3. What is the name of the $10Bn space telescope launched on Christmas Day?
  4. 6. In which country was Harwish born?
  5. 9. How many national lockdowns had England had so far?