New Years Day

  1. 5. wear a new ______ to festival
  2. 7. name of Babylonian new year celebration
  3. 8. new year _____
  4. 10. eaten for good luck
  5. 11. first to name it a national holiday
  6. 14. 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0!
  7. 15. throw a bucket of ____ out the window
  8. 16. January was named after him
  9. 17. fied dough fritter
  10. 19. people have _____ to celebrate
  1. 1. month you celebrate new year's eve
  2. 2. people celebrate and have parties there
  3. 3. couples do at midnight
  4. 4. some people drink on special occasions
  5. 6. see a lot on new year
  6. 8. for blessings and enjoyment
  7. 9. means courage and love
  8. 12. when you celebrate new years day
  9. 13. babylonians honored him on Akitu
  10. 17. first to celebrate new year
  11. 18. eat twelve at midnight