New Year's Eve Celebration

  1. 4. A common phrase used when clinking glasses in celebration.
  2. 6. Tiny pieces of colored paper that are often thrown during celebrations.
  3. 8. A popular drink to ring in the new year with bubbles.
  4. 11. What happens as the clock approaches midnight on New Year's Eve?
  5. 14. A famous event in Times Square, New York City, marking the countdown to the new year.
  6. 15. The exact moment when the new year begins.
  7. 16. Colorful explosions in the sky to celebrate the new year.
  1. 1. People often make these at the start of the year to set goals.
  2. 2. An ancient Egyptian beer often associated with New Year's celebrations in some cultures.
  3. 3. This festive item is often blown or shaken to create a loud sound at midnight.
  4. 5. In Scotland, this term refers to the New Year's Eve celebration.
  5. 7. People often gather to celebrate with friends and family on New Year's ___________.
  6. 9. The era in the United States when the sale of alcoholic beverages was banned, impacting New Year's celebrations.
  7. 10. Traditional song often sung on New Year's Eve, meaning "times gone by."
  8. 12. The first month of the year.
  9. 13. Raise a glass and make a __________ to welcome the new year.