New York Compulsory Education Laws

  1. 2. some home school students do school ____ so their parents are not the teachers.
  2. 4. A child doing this full time may get a certificate not to attend school
  3. 6. If working full time you might have to go to school _____
  4. 9. These type of students might end high school early and are no longer required to attend high school.
  5. 10. if a student has a ______ condition that makes them dangerous to themselves or others they are not required to attend school.
  6. 11. New York ____ some form of education for children from early childhood through their teens.
  7. 14. This type of school is often a religious school
  8. 15. This type of school is open to everyone free of charge until they graduate high school
  1. 1. When someone does not follow the rules, there are penalties for this
  2. 3. can be started beffore age 5
  3. 5. Required to go to school until age of _____
  4. 7. this type of school is often taught by a parent
  5. 8. ___ days in jail or $10 for a first offence
  6. 12. 5-16 is the ages at which school ___ is required
  7. 13. New York law requires that home school is substantially ____ to what would be received in public school.