- 3. A structure that is built over a river.
- 5. A synonym for "underground".
- 8. name of the borough next to Brooklyn
- 11. Famous place with many publicities.
- 13. What is the english for "savoir / connaître"?
- 14. a drawing of a city that indicates the streets and avenues
- 16. What is the English for "à couper le souffle"?
- 18. A place where you can go ice-skating.
- 19. What is the preterite of the verb "(to)buy"?
- 1. What is the English for "ennuyant"?
- 2. Synonym for "taxi".
- 4. The contrary of "cheap"
- 5. What is the english for "gratte-ciel" ?
- 6. What is the preterite of the verb "(to)go" ?
- 7. What is the English for "célèbre"?
- 9. A very famous woman holding a torch.
- 10. Very big green space in the middle of New York.
- 12. What is the english for "extraodinaire" ?
- 15. Famous food you can be in the streets of New York.
- 17. What is the English for "meilleur" ?