
  1. 4. Soft hair on a newborn child
  2. 5. Skull bones that pile up on top of each other at birth
  3. 8. Folklore about a baby girl who was born from a fruit, who after the age of 17 years was chased by the green blind, that's her name
  4. 10. A vaccine given to a month-old baby to prevent paralysis in the baby
  5. 14. baby (a layer that attaches to the uterus while the baby is in the womb and plays a role in maintaining blood supply from mother to baby through the umbilical cord)
  6. 17. of valid proof of a person's birth issued by the Dukcapil Service
  7. 18. functions to prevent tuberculosis so that the lungs are maintained
  8. 19. Water that comes out of the uterus when the baby is born
  9. 21. baby's first sound
  10. 22. Baby born prematurely
  11. 23. babies weigh less than 2.50 kg.
  12. 24. Disease caused by viruses and fungi involving the spread of germs throughout the blood and body tissues
  13. 25. K Every newborn will get an injection of a vitamin that will help the blood clotting process and prevent bleeding that can occur in babies, what vitamin is that?
  1. 1. Related to metabolism; metabolic in nature: the latest medical devices are able to determine disorders -- carried by the baby before birth
  2. 2. A new prose that tells a person's life from birth to death
  3. 3. long strap on the belly
  4. 6. Intake that contains high amounts of protein and vitamin A is
  5. 7. The first human born from IVF
  6. 9. A closed place where the ambient temperature can be adjusted to warm thebabya
  7. 11. Small Children Not Long Born
  8. 12. Reversed; baby will be born feet down, head up
  9. 13. One of the diseases in newborns is inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
  10. 15. is not perfet
  11. 16. is happy; happy: with it the wife shows her new born baby to her husband
  12. 20. Beat the baby, scream