News 2021 Jayden

  1. 2. Queen Elizabeth love.
  2. 3. The world where Covid-19 spreaded.
  3. 6. Using a word instead of Lockdown.
  4. 10. A virus just got tansformed to a another virus.
  5. 11. Most cases in 2021.
  6. 13. A virus just got spread in the whole country.
  7. 14. A virus just got spread in South Africa.
  8. 16. A people 5-12 have to get it.
  9. 17. The next year 2022 winter Olympic.
  1. 1. which state in australia cause a Natural Disaster.
  2. 4. 2021 USA president.
  3. 5. The 2nd most cases
  4. 7. which country was the 2020 Olympics.
  5. 8. What was the season on the tokyo Olympics.
  6. 9. which did Indonesia caused.
  7. 12. Who were missing during camp in Victoria.
  8. 15. A little girl got lost in Carnarvon.