Newspaper Article Genre Conventions

  1. 3. Language used to exaggerate or shock
  2. 4. An upmarket newspaper, much more informative and uses complex vocabulary
  3. 6. A line naming the writer of an article
  4. 8. The way body text is organised on the page
  5. 10. Quoting exactly what someone said
  6. 11. A humorous play on words
  7. 12. Type of newspaper that covers celebrity scandals, using simple and sensationalist language
  1. 1. A poetic technique that repeats a consonant sound often used in heading
  2. 2. Tells you what someone said, without using their words
  3. 5. Language used to add mystery to a heading to hook the reader
  4. 7. The structure used to present the most important information first
  5. 9. A row of nouns used to be catchy