Newspaper Crossword

  1. 1. The bald and tall math teacher.
  2. 3. Our lead principal.
  3. 4. She teaches Spanish for 7th graders.
  4. 5. She teaches in room 410.
  5. 8. The math teacher with hair.
  6. 10. You use them in class and usually break the screen or something.
  7. 13. 5th-6th grade counselor.
  8. 15. Current student council president.
  9. 16. The place that fixes your Chromebook.
  10. 17. The day of the week that the next teacher workday is.
  1. 2. The school we go to.
  2. 6. Future student council president.
  3. 7. The bald and short math teacher.
  4. 9. You call her Madame in her class.
  5. 11. Our associate principal.
  6. 12. 7th-8th grade counselor.
  7. 14. The day of the week that school ends.