Newspaper layout basics

  1. 3. Mondays tabloids often offer a ‘---’ with football news. The Sunday broadsheets are notorious for the number of ---s. The Times offers ‘Bricks and Mortar’, a ‘bedroom special’
  2. 6. In contrast to The Times, the Mirror uses a --- font for its name
  3. 10. The Times is much softer in its political or ideological slant than the Telegraph or the tabloids, but there’s little room for doubt over where it stands through the fee-paying schools headline – unimaginable in the Mirror
  4. 11. Nicola Woodcock, Education Correspondent, gets a --- in The Times’ school story
  5. 12. ‘Britain’s most trusted national newspaper’ v ‘fighting for you’ (both in upper case)
  6. 14. While all 3 of The Times’ cover stories with paragraphs conclude on the front page, the Mirror’s MMR story gets a --- with ‘FULL STORY PAGE 5’
  7. 17. One of The Times’ means of connoting its seriousness is using --- case for its name
  1. 1. Given how traditional newsagent displays make only the top half visible, its common to push the key selling features above-the- ---
  2. 2. The Mirror, like its two rivals, uses a --- font for its name
  3. 4. While the Mirror goes for a red colour block The Times simply avoids this, using the plain white page background for its ---
  4. 5. Important news: ‘New Bond stars are revealed’. This Mirror --- links to a story inside; when directly alongside the masthead can also be called the ‘earpiece area’
  5. 7. In the Mirror’s case its ‘NO MMR JAB ..NO SCHOOL’; for The Times ‘Fee-paying schools ‘save the taxpayer £20 billion’’
  6. 8. Friday April 26 2019
  7. 9. Both papers have an example of an ---: The Mirror adds hyperbole to its royal “exclusive” while The Times offers an extra section, Bricks and Mortar
  8. 13. The Times carries 3 stories with substantive text, but the Mirror’s --- is clear not just from the huge headline but also by being the only cover story with any paragraphs
  9. 15. For the Times its ‘Independent heads hit back against VAT threat’ while the Mirror has ‘Government warns it could ban pupils who haven’t had vaccination'
  10. 16. The big bald head of ‘William’ serves as a --- by being featured in a circle