
  1. 1. best TE in the league
  2. 2. mr irrelavant
  3. 4. superbowl brothers
  4. 6. chiefs qb
  5. 9. kicker who missed four field goals
  6. 10. the most bullied team in nfl
  7. 12. dolphins qb
  8. 13. amazing reciever horrible team
  9. 16. greatest qb oat
  1. 1. dolphins WR
  2. 3. niners d end
  3. 4. tight end for niners
  4. 5. winnner of the superbowl
  5. 7. iconic steelers defense
  6. 8. scrambling qb
  7. 11. first superbowl winner
  8. 14. #11 on niners
  9. 15. runningback traded this year