NFPA 1620 - Vocabulary & Definitions

  1. 2. An occupancy used for a gathering of 50 or more persons for entertainment
  2. 5. _____ personnel, whether public or private, available to respond to emergencies.
  3. 8. Barrier is designed and constructed to restrict the movement of smoke.
  4. 10. The authority having __ is responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard
  5. 12. System components and circuits arranged to monitor and annunciate the status of fire alarm or supervisory signal–initiating devices
  6. 13. a _____ person is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings
  7. 16. An arrangement of piping, valves, hose connections, and allied equipment installed in a building
  8. 19. The center designated area to be used in supporting and coordinating operations during emergencies.
  9. 20. Permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary commercial or industrial property
  10. 22. A large-volume space created by a floor opening or series of floor openings
  11. 23. A controlled _____ warehouse is for storing specialty products
  12. 25. Stair Two interlocking stairways providing two separate paths of egress located within one stairwell enclosure.
  13. 28. An occupancy used for educational purposes through the twelfth grade by six or more persons for 4 or more hours per day or more than 12 hours per week.
  14. 29. designed and constructed with a specified fire resistance rating to limit the spread of fire
  15. 33. response in which the action is to relocate the affected occupants to a safe place within the structure during an emergency.
  16. 35. contains only mandatory provisions using the word “shall” to indicate requirements
  17. 37. agent that does not leave a residue upon evaporation
  18. 39. A mechanically or electrically operated platform used to work at various heights.
  19. 40. objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy and tactics
  20. 41. An __ building s unoccupied with no intention of re-occupying and reusing.
  21. 42. An event expected to be attended by a sufficient number of people
  22. 44. An occupancy used primarily for the storage or sheltering of goods
  23. 45. A planned nonemergency activity
  24. 46. A compartment provided with two or more doors where the intended purpose is to prevent continuous and unobstructed passage
  25. 47. a space that has limited or restricted means for entry or exit
  1. 1. Plan designated actions by employers, employees, and other building occupants to ensure their safety
  2. 3. An occupancy used for account and record keeping and business
  3. 4. underground and overhead system designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards.
  4. 6. Liaison has in-depth operating knowledge of the site or facility.
  5. 7. in Place The operational response of directing occupants to remain inside the structure, at their locations, during an emergency.
  6. 8. Data Sheet provided by chemical manufacturers and distributors of hazardous products
  7. 9. A building or a space in a building in which group sleeping accommodations are provided for more than 16 persons
  8. 11. A finely divided combustible particulate solid that presents a flash fire hazard
  9. 14. Any public, private, governmental, or military organization that provides emergency response and other related activities
  10. 15. An acronym for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and their related components.
  11. 17. Plan developed by gathering general and detailed data that is used by responding personnel
  12. 18. occupancy used for purposes of medical or other treatment or care of four or more persons where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation due to age, physical or mental disability, or because of security measures not under the occupants’ control.
  13. 21. A _____ compartment within a building enclosed by smoke barriers on all sides
  14. 24. Indicates a mandatory requirement.
  15. 26. A wall separating buildings or subdividing a building to prevent the spread of fire and having a fire resistance rating and structural stability.
  16. 27. A space within a building that is enclosed by fire barriers on all sides, including the top and bottom.
  17. 30. An occupancy used for the display and sale of merchandise.
  18. 31. A building or groups of buildings in which there are sleeping accommodations for more than 16 persons
  19. 32. An area where the building is protected throughout
  20. 34. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
  21. 35. Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required.
  22. 36. A building that is currently unoccupied/unused and for which there is intention to reoccupy and reuse in the future.
  23. 38. often used to store building entry keys, pre-incient plans, and/or related data
  24. 40. An occupancy in which products are manufactured
  25. 43. A building containing three or more dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities.