- 2. We believe in one ____
- 4. _______under Pontius Pilate
- 6. I _____ in God, the Father Almighty
- 7. was _______, died, and was buried.
- 9. His ___ Son Our Lord
- 11. ____ God from true God
- 13. maker of _____ and earth
- 14. Who was conceived by the ____ ____
- 17. ____ begotten of the Father
- 18. _______ of Heaven and earth
- 1. The ________ of saints
- 3. and in _____ Christ
- 5. We believe in one Lord _____
- 6. ____ of the Virgin Mary
- 8. The ____, The Almighty
- 10. God from God ____ from Light
- 12. _____, not made, of one being with the Father.
- 15. of all that is, seen and ____
- 16. the only ___ of God