Nicholas Hopley's Crossword

  1. 2. A hurricane which brings heavy rain and flooding
  2. 4. Having no direct access to the ocean.
  3. 8. An area where a river deposits sediment and it all collects.
  4. 9. A mountain range just north of India
  5. 12. Non-native animals which go into ecosystems and disturb them.
  6. 13. A country in Southeast Asia which has the most volcanoes in the world.
  7. 15. Inactive for long periods of time.
  1. 1. The business of trading/selling products or services.
  2. 3. An area around the pacific ocean where tectonic plates border and cause natural disasters.
  3. 5. The art of paper folding.
  4. 6. A rock like structure constructed by layers of coral organisms.
  5. 7. The process by which large numbers of people become permanently concentrated in relatively small areas.
  6. 10. This place is both a country and a continent
  7. 11. Variety of species in an ecosystem.
  8. 14. No more members of a group exist.