Nicole's Safety Lab

  1. 2. All chemicals in the _________ are to be considered dangerous
  2. 7. Report any _______
  3. 8. Never work _____
  4. 9. Exercise extreme caution when using a ___ burner
  5. 10. ___________ must be personally monitored at all times
  6. 13. Always work in a well __________ area
  7. 16. Never remove _________ or other materials from the laboratory area
  8. 17. Be alert and proceed with _______ at al times in the laboratory
  9. 19. Examine _________ before each use
  1. 1. Know what to do if there is a ____ drill during the laboratory period
  2. 3. Perform only those experiments __________ by the instructor
  3. 4. ______ and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use
  4. 5. Hot and cold glass have the same ______ appearance
  5. 6. ______ metals and glass remain hot for a very long time
  6. 11. Conduct yourself in a ___________ manner at all times in the laboratory
  7. 12. Fill wash bottles only with _________ water and use only as intended
  8. 14. _____ must be handled with extreme care
  9. 15. Report damaged __________ equipment immediately
  10. 18. When _______ glass, allow time for the glass to cool before further handling
  11. 20. Always cut ____ from your body