Nidhi's Baby Shower

  1. 2. - keep's baby clothes clean while baby eats
  2. 5. Nidhi's maiden surname
  3. 7. - wet towels used to clean baby skin
  4. 9. Baby's feeding utensil
  5. 11. Typical boy color
  6. 12. Nidhi's birth month
  7. 13. Typical girl color
  8. 15. Pampers and Huggies are...
  9. 16. Color of Nidhi's dress
  1. 1. Nidhi's middle name
  2. 3. Basket like bed for an infant
  3. 4. expected due month of new baby
  4. 6. your sister's baby girl is your...
  5. 8. Early baby food/drink and something used in maths
  6. 10. - soothing tool for teething babies
  7. 11. important for baby to do after feeding
  8. 14. part of a bottle