Night and Day

  1. 3. hours in a day
  2. 4. After Winter/neutral tilt.
  3. 5. Tilted towards.
  4. 9. The Sun is the other way.
  5. 10. December 20 or so, longest night.
  6. 11. The Milky Way is this type.
  7. 13. We are in the Milky Way ______?
  8. 14. Associated with night, sometimes visible in daytime.
  9. 16. These galaxies are hard to describe.
  10. 17. September/March, equal day night.
  1. 1. Here comes the sun.
  2. 2. These galaxies are a mix.
  3. 6. These galaxies can look like balls.
  4. 7. Tilted Away.
  5. 8. The sun is one.
  6. 11. June 20 or so, longest day.
  7. 12. After Summer/neutral tilt.
  8. 15. months in a year