
  1. 2. what medication is used for nightmares
  2. 7. what is it called when a dream comes true?
  3. 8. what is between nightmares and night terror?
  4. 9. can you feel pain in dreams?
  5. 10. what is the rarest type of dreams?
  6. 11. why are my dreams like a horror movie?
  7. 13. what food can give you nightmares?
  8. 15. what can stop nightmares in kids ?
  9. 17. what is the medical reason for scary dreams?
  10. 18. how many adults fix the problem?
  11. 20. what is the most common nightmare?
  1. 1. what is the high common thing that causes dream
  2. 3. what is worse than sleep terrors?
  3. 4. how do i not be scared after a dream?
  4. 5. what is a frighting dreams?
  5. 6. how to clam yourself down?
  6. 12. what happens to your behavior during days of nightmares?
  7. 14. what can cause a nightmare?
  8. 16. how many minutes does a dream last?
  9. 19. why are there people i know in my dream?