
  1. 2. This character screams a lot and is a simp.
  2. 3. The old man with a long white beard.
  3. 6. Two simple words, Daddy Issues.
  4. 8. He wanted to become the one that becomes and wears?
  5. 10. She wasn't told about her power for a long time
  6. 11. The most dramatic man to ever live.
  7. 12. He's the smartest one of the ninjas.
  8. 14. This character is a very quiet droid
  1. 1. In the first season, Lloyd wanted what?
  2. 4. A beast with more than one head.
  3. 5. This character could break the world with enough strength.
  4. 7. The title of the show
  5. 9. This character is the crazy one who'd jump off a building.
  6. 13. She tried tricked one of the male ninja, and tried to kill him.