- 4. a character in Fortnite that is good at fighting and that can fly
- 6. a game all about falling and trying to win
- 8. a character from Star Fox that you can play on Super Smash Bros.
- 9. Mario's sidekick
- 11. a character from Mario Kart who is a princess in a yellow dress
- 12. A Nintendo is super ____!
- 13. the longest running game system with 8-bit visuals
- 14. a racing game where you can jump over obstacles; you can race as Bowser
- 15. a multiplaeyer game that requires shooting skills and killing other players to win
- 1. a character that is a mushroom
- 2. a game, two words, first with "an," second "cr"
- 3. a princess in Mario games
- 5. Waluigi's brother
- 7. a Nintento system that you can play in your hands or on a TV
- 10. a survival game with a pickaxe and weapons to build things