Nixon 1970's Watergate

  1. 4. an adherent or advocate of constitutionalism or of an existing constitution
  2. 6. wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official
  3. 9. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
  4. 10. the act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly
  5. 13. a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument
  6. 15. a claim that you cannot be guilty of a crime because you were somewhere else when the crime was committed
  7. 16. a person under the authority or control of another within an organization.
  1. 1. an economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all property and wealth are communally-owned, instead of by individuals.
  2. 2. Only president to
  3. 3. headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense, in Arlington County, Virginia.
  4. 5. an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object
  5. 7. from guilt or remission of punishment.
  6. 8. marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy
  7. 11. a country of 50 states
  8. 12. averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.
  9. 14. a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society.