NKCC Camp Challenge Trivia

  1. 1. Friends,play,mastery,participation,caring adult
  2. 4. 40 hours
  3. 8. Friday august 12
  4. 9. Friday PM
  5. 10. Week 5 staff of the week
  6. 11. Friday July 29
  7. 13. 8-9
  8. 16. the lounge
  9. 17. Friday morning
  10. 18. Preschoolers room
  11. 19. 2017 volunteer of the summer
  12. 20. Location coordinators
  1. 2. V-Bucks card
  2. 3. Theme of the week
  3. 5. 2018 volunteer of the summer
  4. 6. A6, A7 Wednesday PM
  5. 7. Facility abbreviation
  6. 12. Our community recreation programmer
  7. 14. # of camp staff
  8. 15. Smithfield crp