No Greater Love

  1. 3. Number of days in Lent
  2. 5. What we celebrate at Easter
  3. 7. Divine_______Sunday
  4. 8. Type of bread at the Last Supper
  5. 11. Sacrament needed to receive forgiveness for sins
  6. 12. Prayer,________ and almsgiving
  7. 15. Your best friend
  8. 16. Walk by _______ not by sight
  9. 18. Original followers of Christ
  10. 19. Liturgical color of Lent
  1. 1. Jesus instituted this at the Last Supper
  2. 2. Place where Jesus was crucified
  3. 4. Cha Ky’s patron saint
  4. 5. Ask and you shall _______
  5. 6. Message of St John the Baptist
  6. 9. Love thy _______
  7. 10. Latin for charity
  8. 13. Unconditional love
  9. 14. God’s gift to us to get to Heaven
  10. 17. Mary’s special meditative prayer involving decades