Noah Haberman-Hirsch (Period 6)

  1. 3. if a truck cannot see you, you are here
  2. 4. be sure to make a full stop before continuing past this sign (look both ways)
  3. 7. make sure to be aware of this at all times so you do not go too fast or too slow
  4. 11. driving in the rain
  5. 12. a driver must do this towards pedestrians
  6. 14. the first form of freedom of driving the a person who is 16 years of age receives
  7. 16. use this method to park in between two cars on a side street
  8. 18. check this to see any cars behind you in case you need to change lanes\
  9. 19. make sure to only go 25 mph in these areas
  10. 20. turn these on when signaling a turn
  1. 1. turn these on when at night when there are no cars
  2. 2. where a driver should position their hands when driving
  3. 5. existing or carrying on between states
  4. 6. turn these on to signal trouble with car
  5. 8. license received at 17 years of age
  6. 9. check this behind your dashboard every once in a while
  7. 10. turn these on when it rains
  8. 13. fasten for safety
  9. 15. wheels should be turned away from the curb when parking this way
  10. 17. this tells you to slow down