Noelle Natural World

  1. 2. decayed plant or animal matter
  2. 4. areas of tall grasses and scattered trees and shrubs
  3. 8. the short term changes in the air for a given place and time
  4. 10. recources that cannot be replaced
  5. 11. clearing of trees
  6. 15. a region's average weather conditions over a long period
  7. 16. surroundings
  8. 19. winds that blow in the same direction over areas of earth
  9. 20. permanently frozen layers of soil
  1. 1. large streams of surface seawater
  2. 3. semidry grasslands or prairies
  3. 5. seasonal winds that bring either dry or moist air
  4. 6. the place where two air masses meet
  5. 7. spreading of desertlike conditions
  6. 9. place for an animal or plant to live
  7. 12. died out
  8. 13. coal for example
  9. 14. resources earth replaces naturally
  10. 17. planting trees to replace lost forestland
  11. 18. place for multiple animals to live