Non-Citizens Part 2

  1. 5. The form in which the sponsor agrees to provide financial support to a non-citizen
  2. 6. Can sponsor information be provided using this form
  3. 8. Is this the number of credits a sponsor must have before their information is not required
  4. 9. Sponsor information is _____________ in 4th and 5th year (CFAP)?
  5. 10. With the formula: Non-citizen household income + any cash contributions + in-kind = compare the total with 130% of the FLP, are we evaluating
  6. 11. Sponsor information is not required when the sponsored individual becomes
  7. 12. This is an example of a qualified non-citizen (no status)
  1. 1. Is this the process by which an individual or organization assumes legal financial responsibility
  2. 2. It tells us that non-citizens have a sponsor and who does not
  3. 3. Sponsor qualifies not to provide your information if you are over ________ years of age
  4. 4. The sponsor does not need to provide his/her information if he/she signed _______ of December 19, 1997
  5. 7. Sponsor information is __________ in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th years (CFAP)