Non-Communicable Disease - Jones

  1. 2. Affects over 16 million Americans
  2. 3. A time period with no symptoms
  3. 7. Something caused by unregulated cell growth
  4. 9. Caused by exposure to hazardous agent
  5. 10. Causes strokes and other medical problems
  6. 11. Cell growth that is harmful
  7. 12. Cell growth that is harmless
  8. 13. What diabetics need to live
  9. 14. Usually treated with inahlers
  1. 1. A disease that affects the lungs or heart
  2. 4. Affects the blood vessels in the lungs
  3. 5. An inability to produce enough insulin
  4. 6. Blood cannot get to the brain
  5. 7. A treatment for cancer
  6. 8. Affects the heart and blood