Non-communicable diseases

  1. 3. Vitamin C deficiency [6]
  2. 6. Anaemia, scurvy and rickets are examples [8,10)
  3. 7. Side affect of stopping use of an addictive substance, symptoms include irritability, fever, heart palpitations [10]
  4. 8. Iron deficiency [7]
  5. 11. fibrosis An example of autosomal recessive disease [6, 8]
  6. 13. Swelling, stiffness and pain in synovial joints [14]
  7. 16. Hormone injected to treat a severe allergic reaction [10]
  8. 17. Disease which is caused by damage to alveoli as a result of smoke or fine dust particles [9]
  9. 18. A treatment for osteoarthritis [13]
  10. 19. Psychoactive chemical in this substance is C2H6O [7]
  11. 21. Exposure to Sunlight is a treatment [7]
  1. 1. Only one copy of the fault allele is required for disease to occur
  2. 2. Body system that is activated by allergies [6]
  3. 3. Genetic disorder of the X or Y chromosome [3,6]
  4. 4. Autoimmune destruction of B-cells [4,1,8]
  5. 5. Constant feeling of sadness, inadequacy, hopelessness [10]
  6. 9. Type of disease e.g. multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes
  7. 10. A cause of cardiac arrest [10]
  8. 12. High blood glucose concentration [14]
  9. 14. A risk factor for type 2 diabetes, CHD, osteoarthritis and cancer [7]
  10. 15. Symptom of Asthma [8]
  11. 20. Artery that becomes narrow resulting in angina [8]