non communicable diseases and causes

  1. 3. occupational lung disease
  2. 9. a disease to do with your heart
  3. 10. when a person is uncontrollably shaky
  4. 11. a disease that can cause seizures
  5. 12. a disease where you forget things
  6. 14. what disease makes breathing harder for people
  7. 15. when you are born with an extra chromosone
  1. 1. a disease which involves cells splitting uncontrollably
  2. 2. there is a typre 1 and a type 2 of this disease
  3. 4. popular drink among adults
  4. 5. a disease that weakens bones
  5. 6. when you are way above your recommended weight
  6. 7. can cause pain in hands, fingers
  7. 8. when a person is very sad
  8. 13. something that contains nicotine and many people do it