Non-Communicable Diseases - Breanna

  1. 3. non cancerous
  2. 6. Caused by an autoimmune reaction where the body stops making insulin.
  3. 9. not contagious diseases
  4. 10. type of cardiovascular disease
  5. 11. stroke occurs when a blood vessel that is feeding the brain is __ or bursts
  6. 13. affects the blood vessels in the lungs
  7. 14. heart attacks occur when ___ flow is blocked from the heart
  8. 15. airways to become narrow and swell and may bring extra mucus
  1. 1. Body doesn't use the insulin well and cannot keep blood sugar normal levels.
  2. 2. does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  3. 4. cancerous
  4. 5. cancer of blood-forming organs
  5. 7. group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems.
  6. 8. uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells.
  7. 10. quitting lowers risk of health problems
  8. 12. affects the heart or blood vessels