Non-communicable Diseases

  1. 6. The passage of traits from a perent to their children.
  2. 7. Deformity or birth defect.
  3. 8. A serious chronic condition that causes tiny air passages in the respiratory to become narrow or blocked.
  4. 10. It has factors that are the world’s leading causes of death and kills an estimated 35 million people each year.
  5. 11. is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels.
  6. 13. is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.
  7. 16. Chest oain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen .
  8. 17. is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period.
  9. 19. This treatment uses powerful medicines to kill cancer cells all through the body.
  10. 20. The removal of a sample of tissue from a person for examination.
  11. 21. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough _______________.
  12. 22. An abnormal growth of tissue.
  13. 23. Temporary or permanent loss of the blood supply to the brain.
  1. 1. Are cancers of the immune system.
  2. 2. the habitual misuse of alcohol.
  3. 3. Tumors that are not cancerous.
  4. 4. The return of cancer after a remission.
  5. 5. POLLUTION Particulate matter has been studied for its short- and long-term exposure effects on cardiovascular disease.
  6. 7. Substances that cause cancer.
  7. 9. Tumors that are cancerous.
  8. 12. intakes of saturated fat, trans-fats and salt, and low intake of fruits, vegetables and fish are linked to cardiovascular risk.
  9. 14. are diseases of the airways and other structures of the lung.
  10. 15. Disappearance of symptoms of cancer.
  11. 18. Using this is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths.
  12. 24. Characteristics that increase a person's chance of developing a disease