Non-Passerine Birds Part 1

  1. 3. black, with deep bills
  2. 5. Hummingbirds and Swifts
  3. 6. Short bills, stout bodies, and relatively short legs
  4. 7. long-legged, long toed, decurved bill, flexible neck
  5. 8. Slender, pointed wings, diurnal raptor, hooked bill
  6. 11. Large mouth, tiny bill, mottled brown, white patches on wings/tail
  7. 12. Long-legged, long-necked, down-turned bills
  8. 13. another shorebird suborder
  9. 14. Cuckoos, Anis, and Roadrunner
  10. 15. Diurnal bird of prey, hooked bill
  11. 18. Colourful bare skin patch
  12. 19. fly with outstretched necks, bustle of tertial feathers
  13. 22. Brightly coloured, long tail, short bill, large eyes
  14. 23. Small head, bill, and head-bobbing walking style
  15. 24. Sub-class of living birds, includes the loon
  16. 25. long tails, crested head, sharp bill
  17. 27. Chisel-shaped bill, two toes forward and two back, stiff tail feathers
  18. 29. Hook-billed, round-headed, two toes forward two back
  1. 1. Large crested head, large bill, small feet, 3rd & 4th toe partly share skin
  2. 2. Gull order
  3. 4. Subclass including ducks, geese, swans, and chicken-like birds
  4. 9. Shorebird Suborder
  5. 10. Long wings, soaring flight, expels salt through tubular nostrils
  6. 12. Smaller than loons with longer neck, lobed
  7. 16. Webbing joins all four toes, hook at bill tip
  8. 17. suborder: gull, tern, jaegers, skimmers, and alcids
  9. 20. Two front toes and two back, hooked bills, facial disk
  10. 21. Generally long-necked, with three webbed toes, and a "duck bill"
  11. 26. Sharp bill, elongate body, blocky head, 3 webbed toes well back on body
  12. 28. Living bird class
  13. 30. Slender, thrush-like bird with long tails and pointed bills