Nonfiction Text Features

  1. 3. An image that shows the location of something
  2. 5. An image that has been created by hand or digital software
  3. 6. A page at the end of the book that lists important terms and what page they're on
  4. 7. Words that are darker to show importance; sometimes they're vocabulary terms
  5. 9. A page at the front of the book that tells the title, author, and publisher information
  6. 11. Words that are slanted
  7. 12. A page at the end of the book that lists vocabulary terms and their definitions
  1. 1. An image that has been taken with a camera
  2. 2. A page at the beginning of a book that tells the title of each chapter and what page it started on
  3. 4. A list of related terms with a dot or dash in front of each one
  4. 8. An image that labels the different parts of something
  5. 10. The words on a diagram that tell you what each part is