Norfolk Team Week

  1. 4. Passion for Pets & ________
  2. 6. PetSmart’s recognition platform
  3. 7. $20 coupon book:______ Guide
  4. 8. We love pets and we _____ pets make us better people
  5. 9. ____ to the Pack
  6. 11. Training package with three 6- week classes
  7. 13. We do _______ for pets.
  8. 16. _______ Resource Groups (ARGS)
  9. 17. Program to honor PetSmart veterans and their families
  10. 18. One-hour introduction class for a head start into training
  1. 1. ____ to Win
  2. 2. PetSmart was founded by the _____ Family
  3. 3. _____ the Pack Safe
  4. 5. _____ New Tricks
  5. 7. PAW:____ at Work
  6. 9. AVID: ______ of Visible and Invisible Differences
  7. 10. PetSmart’s latest communication tool: _____ Bark
  8. 12. CEO J.K._______
  9. 14. United _______
  10. 15. PetSmart opened its first stores in ______, Arizona