Norse Mythology

  1. 3. world of dwarves
  2. 5. world of ice
  3. 9. Father of Odin, Vili, and Ve
  4. 10. dragon that lives in hvergelmir
  5. 11. world of giants
  6. 14. strongest god
  7. 15. the present
  8. 18. god of thunder
  9. 20. god and powerful warrior
  10. 25. goddess of marriage and motherhood
  11. 27. world of fire
  12. 30. known as the end
  13. 32. Ymir’s cow
  14. 33. Thor’s belt
  15. 34. the future
  16. 35. the fate and destiny
  17. 36. first frost giant
  18. 38. world of Vanir gods
  1. 1. another name for the world of dwarves
  2. 2. world of the dead
  3. 4. spring in the center of the worlds
  4. 6. wisest of the Aesir gods
  5. 7. goddess of love and battle
  6. 8. Thor’s hammer
  7. 9. the bridge between the worlds for gods
  8. 12. decided someone’s life
  9. 13. Wife of Thor
  10. 16. world of elves
  11. 17. trickster god
  12. 19. watchman of the gods
  13. 21. tree of the worlds
  14. 22. Odin’s spear
  15. 23. queen of helheim
  16. 24. god of beauty
  17. 26. squirrel that lives in Yggdrasil
  18. 28. world of humans
  19. 29. horn that would be blown at Ragnarok
  20. 31. chief of the Vanir
  21. 37. god of fertility
  22. 39. world of Aesir gods