- 3. world of dwarves
- 5. world of ice
- 9. Father of Odin, Vili, and Ve
- 10. dragon that lives in hvergelmir
- 11. world of giants
- 14. strongest god
- 15. the present
- 18. god of thunder
- 20. god and powerful warrior
- 25. goddess of marriage and motherhood
- 27. world of fire
- 30. known as the end
- 32. Ymir’s cow
- 33. Thor’s belt
- 34. the future
- 35. the fate and destiny
- 36. first frost giant
- 38. world of Vanir gods
- 1. another name for the world of dwarves
- 2. world of the dead
- 4. spring in the center of the worlds
- 6. wisest of the Aesir gods
- 7. goddess of love and battle
- 8. Thor’s hammer
- 9. the bridge between the worlds for gods
- 12. decided someone’s life
- 13. Wife of Thor
- 16. world of elves
- 17. trickster god
- 19. watchman of the gods
- 21. tree of the worlds
- 22. Odin’s spear
- 23. queen of helheim
- 24. god of beauty
- 26. squirrel that lives in Yggdrasil
- 28. world of humans
- 29. horn that would be blown at Ragnarok
- 31. chief of the Vanir
- 37. god of fertility
- 39. world of Aesir gods