Norse Mythology- Willow Smith

  1. 2. Norse warriors
  2. 4. The end of days
  3. 7. Watchman of the gods
  4. 11. The All-mother
  5. 12. The world tree
  6. 13. Goddess of death
  7. 14. Realm of the Fire-giants
  8. 16. Realm of the Bright Elves
  9. 17. God of War
  10. 18. The All-father
  1. 1. Thor's hammer
  2. 3. Realm of the Giants
  3. 5. The world Serpent
  4. 6. God of thunder
  5. 8. Home of the Aseir
  6. 9. God of mischief
  7. 10. Realm of the Dwarves
  8. 11. Goddess of love, fertility, and battle
  9. 15. Realm of the humans
  10. 16. The gods and goddesses