North American Native Regional Cultures

  1. 8. Native housing on the Great Plains
  2. 9. Indian trade alliance of Northeast
  3. 10. Common weapons technology of North American Indians
  4. 12. Farming method invented by southern Indians
  5. 16. Largest Indian city ever built in North America
  6. 18. Made it possible for Indians to live on the Plains
  7. 20. Round houses built by eastern Indians
  1. 1. Way Northwestern Indians shared history
  2. 2. Largest Indian city in Alabama
  3. 3. What the Spanish called the Anasazis
  4. 4. Main food crop of North American Indians
  5. 5. Example of southwestern adobe architecture
  6. 6. Made farming possible in Southwest
  7. 7. Multifamily homes built by eastern Indians
  8. 11. Made a spear travel farther and faster
  9. 13. Main source of protein for Northwestern Indians
  10. 14. Provided food, clothing,& shelter to Plains Indians
  11. 15. Native technology invented about 700CE
  12. 17. Building material in Southwestern architecture
  13. 19. Type of housing built by Northwestern Indians