North and South Take Different Paths

  1. 2. the growth of cities due to movement of people from rural areas to cities.
  2. 5. invented telegraph
  3. 12. the denial of equal rights or equal treatment to certain groups of people.
  4. 14. time period where, gradually, machines took the place of many hand tools.
  5. 15. led the most famous slave revolt in 1831.
  6. 16. people who wanted to preserve the country for white, American Protestants.
  1. 1. built an improved version of English machines.
  2. 3. identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers.
  3. 4. brings workers and machinery together in one place.
  4. 6. laws that controlled every aspect slaves’ lives.
  5. 7. widespread hunger
  6. 8. people who invest capital, or money, in a business to earn a profit.
  7. 9. a device that used electrical signals to send messages.
  8. 10. the rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical objects,
  9. 11. used a spiked cylinder to remove seeds from cotton fibers
  10. 13. religious folk songs that blended biblical themes with the realities of slavery.