North Korea

  1. 2. the main language that they speak in that country today
  2. 5. a very strong group of soliders
  3. 8. an industries that makes machines
  4. 10. the leader of North Korea is very _______
  5. 12. weapons that can do mass destruction
  6. 13. the most important thing to all of the Korean people
  7. 15. when two country's fight for something
  1. 1. their leader Kim-Jong-Un is a _______
  2. 3. weapons that they have threatened to use on the USA
  3. 4. the activities of a government
  4. 6. something that North Korea has lots of and are a threat to the world
  5. 7. the rights that every human being has
  6. 9. the type of government when the government controls all of the businesses
  7. 11. North Korea's capital and most crowded city
  8. 14. north koreas main industry