Not Tyler and Olivia Wedding Crossword

  1. 3. The general location of our proposal (two words).
  2. 7. The state of Olivia's undergraduate university.
  3. 10. The subject of our degrees.
  4. 11. We spent lots of time at this faire.
  5. 13. This living jar represents our unity.
  1. 1. These animals are the focus of Tyler's dissertation.
  2. 2. The instrument Olivia played in highschool.
  3. 4. Country of our honeymoon.
  4. 5. Tyler's drink of choice.
  5. 6. Tyler's must-try ice cream flavor.
  6. 8. The name of our dog.
  7. 9. Avenue we live on.
  8. 12. These animals are the focus of Olivia's dissertation.