- 3. Developed magnetic core-memory
- 5. Worked on the first integrated circuit
- 8. Invented the slide rule
- 11. Helped develop the UNIVAC-1
- 12. Invented differential and integral calculus
- 14. Considered the first computer programmer
- 15. Inventor of the merge sort algorithm
- 17. Invented the first electronic digital computer
- 18. Helped establish modern symbolic logic
- 1. Cofounder of Intel Corporation
- 2. Invented a tabulating machine
- 4. Invented the Electronic Numerical Integrator
- 6. Cofounded Apple Computer
- 7. The first modern computer scientist
- 9. Cofounder of the Microsoft Corporations
- 10. Developed TENEX operating system
- 13. Invented the world's first programmable computer
- 16. Invented the first general electronic computer