Notable People

  1. 3. Developed magnetic core-memory
  2. 5. Worked on the first integrated circuit
  3. 8. Invented the slide rule
  4. 11. Helped develop the UNIVAC-1
  5. 12. Invented differential and integral calculus
  6. 14. Considered the first computer programmer
  7. 15. Inventor of the merge sort algorithm
  8. 17. Invented the first electronic digital computer
  9. 18. Helped establish modern symbolic logic
  1. 1. Cofounder of Intel Corporation
  2. 2. Invented a tabulating machine
  3. 4. Invented the Electronic Numerical Integrator
  4. 6. Cofounded Apple Computer
  5. 7. The first modern computer scientist
  6. 9. Cofounder of the Microsoft Corporations
  7. 10. Developed TENEX operating system
  8. 13. Invented the world's first programmable computer
  9. 16. Invented the first general electronic computer