Nothing Extra but Happy Holidays! Enjoy! I love you.

  1. 2. our first holiday tree
  2. 7. Williams family holiday tradition
  3. 9. oh Christmas _______
  4. 10. outdoor holiday décor
  5. 13. sweet, sweet potatoes
  6. 17. Santa’s call
  7. 18. made of clay
  8. 19. not signing, singing
  9. 20. Dez holiday movie
  1. 1. mommy kissed him
  2. 3. are you fucking with me kid?
  3. 4. we don’t do this
  4. 5. comedian Maya
  5. 6. tree chopper
  6. 8. light turning point
  7. 11. honest potatoes
  8. 12. NYC dropping
  9. 14. tree topper
  10. 15. never brought to mind
  11. 16. fighting after Christmas?