- 3. is something you write in
- 8. is a state that you visit
- 9. is something you wear when it is cold
- 12. what a married or engaged woman wear
- 14. something you buy things with
- 15. are something you put things in
- 17. people who take things that don't belong to them
- 20. something you write with
- 21. is something you brush your teeth with
- 22. is something that you learn
- 23. are people you connect with
- 1. is a sport that a person plays
- 2. is something that you drink
- 4. is a color or fruit
- 5. is something you keep money in
- 6. is a place where you buy food
- 7. is a language that Hispanic people speak
- 10. is a girls name
- 11. a pack of animals
- 13. is an insect
- 16. are something you put on with tennis or shoe school is a place where you go to
- 18. are people who sail on ships
- 19. is something that you live in