  1. 2. a sour liquid made from wine and used in salads or cooking
  2. 3. food made with eggs mixed with milk and butter and usually eaten for breakfast
  3. 6. a written list showing how much you owe in return for a service
  4. 8. sb who buys goods or services, from a shop,company etc
  5. 10. a type of food covered in pastry
  6. 12. food which is eaten in addition to the main meal
  7. 14. a piece of material which covers a window
  8. 16. food made with eggs mixed together and fried
  9. 18. of art are shown for people to admire or buy
  1. 1. a building or place easily recognised
  2. 4. a place or a shop where
  3. 5. a potato baked whole in its skin
  4. 7. the most important part of a meal
  5. 9. food which you eat along with the main meal at a restaurant
  6. 11. a small square chocolate cake
  7. 13. a hot or cold liquid that you put on food
  8. 15. frozen water
  9. 17. a slice of bread that has been heated until it turns Brown