Nouns: Puzzle Two

  1. 3. The band practice their individual parts. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______ noun.
  2. 6. To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
  3. 9. To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
  4. 12. Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns.
  5. 13. The story, the child’s favorite one, is about a mouse and a bear. In this sentence the child’s favorite one is a/an _______.
  6. 14. Bunch, fleet, pack, and jury are all examples of _______ nouns.
  1. 1. My sister, Mary, loves Thai food. In this sentence, Mary is a/an _______.
  2. 2. Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns.
  3. 4. Jamal, Panama Heights, Wednesday, and Armenian are all _______nouns.
  4. 5. Lily’s and teacher’s could both be either possessive nouns or _______ depending on how they are used.
  5. 7. A compound noun can be one word, more than one word, or _______.
  6. 8. Dog’s, cats’, deer’s, and bus’s are all examples of _______ nouns.
  7. 10. The band plays the song. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______ noun.
  8. 11. Living room, grandmother, and commander-in-chief are all examples of _______ nouns.