
  1. 1. building drafted by the Toronto Raptors
  2. 5. where an oval-like table can be found
  3. 9. thing between the EICL faculty office and TALI-325
  4. 10. co-founder of YBC
  5. 13. teacher included in EPS2023Destinations
  6. 15. former history teacher at EPS and high school tennis champion at Overlake
  7. 18. family that holds the record for most steals in a basketball season
  8. 19. ADG in EPS speak
  9. 23. current longest-running EBC destination
  10. 24. shape that can be utilized in calculus and sat on in TMAC
  11. 25. bridges the gap between bridge and tech
  1. 2. sharpest coach at EPS
  2. 3. narrow point east of EPS
  3. 4. former school of Ms. Eng and Dr. T
  4. 6. big number through Mercer Island
  5. 7. odd location of winter tri International Relations
  6. 8. saint in Medina
  7. 11. alternative to Burgermaster
  8. 12. country of a school competing against EPS basketball this season
  9. 14. popular singer, basketball player, and shoe
  10. 16. former writer for the Seattle Times and AQUILA
  11. 17. venue of the nearest Starbucks
  12. 20. 4A "rivals" of EPS Debate
  13. 21. school with a logo copied from Atlanta's football team
  14. 22. SLC member whose full name is an anagram for the phrase "breakaway perm"