November and December

  1. 2. Banana Bread birthday person 11/27.
  2. 5. Michael Norwesh's first anniversary!
  3. 6. Who's birthday is on 12/30?
  4. 7. What is Rudy's government name?
  5. 9. Senior PM + Christmas = this person's birthday
  6. 10. Who's birthday was on 12/9?
  7. 13. Who's birthday 12/18? you may have met them on the 9th
  8. 15. Who's birthday is on 12/30?
  9. 17. Who's birthday was on 11/9?
  10. 19. Hannah's anniversary date
  11. 20. Sarah B.'s birthdate is...
  12. 21. When is Bill G.'s Birthday?
  1. 1. This person's birthday is the day after banana's birthday
  2. 3. Which founder had a turkey birthday this year?
  3. 4. When is Dan Westerman's birthday?
  4. 8. 17 years with Norcon and white claw on Thursdays! 11/30/06
  5. 11. Luke Jone's birthday
  6. 12. Celebrated their first anniversary 2 weeks ago!
  7. 14. Tom Fox's anniversary(4years!) is on Bart's birthday
  8. 16. This person is celebrating their first anniversary today!
  9. 18. Gretchen's anniversary is on Micheal N's birthday. 1 Year!