November-December 2021

  1. 1. _______ and External circle
  2. 3. _______ of Mass
  3. 5. Mandarin Chinese Pinyin for "perineum"
  4. 7. One of the Three Mental Factors
  5. 12. Upper _______ Point
  6. 13. one _______ Feel
  7. 16. Mandarin Chinese Pinyin for "crown"
  8. 17. _______ Force of Coordination
  9. 18. Structure, _______, Energy
  1. 2. Soft, Elastic, Fajing
  2. 4. One of the Three Mental Factors
  3. 6. Attention, Attention, _______
  4. 8. Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle
  5. 9. One of the Three Mental Factors
  6. 10. Upper, Middle, Lower, Further, Middle,Close
  7. 11. center of _______
  8. 14. Physical Points
  9. 15. _______, Medium, Small