NPCC General Knowledge

  1. 2. / Command for Standing at Ease : ____ Diri
  2. 4. / The first NPCC unit was formed in this school in 1959 : ____ Secondary School
  3. 6. / A loop that can act as a handle for hauling of objects.
  4. 8. / Command for Pledge Taking : Taat ____
  5. 10. / Current Commandant of NPCC (as of 2015)
  1. 1. / This knot is used to join lines of equal diameter and is widely used by anglers : ____'s Knot
  2. 3. / An (usually) outdoor activity in NPCC that enables the cadet to make use of their creativity to design structures using ropes, wooden poles or other appropriate equipment.
  3. 5. / Mission : To develop our members into ____ citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.
  4. 7. / Vision : To become the best youth organisation in Singapore, one thatactively helps to make Singapore the ____ place in the world.
  5. 9. / Command for Dismissal : ____ Baris